Fred Valmeo
Jean Feece
Nico Razalo
EligibilityNominated clinicians must have:
EligibilityNominated clinicians must have:
Fred ValmeoPTLong Beach, CA What people said about Fred: |
Jean FeeceMSPTRowlett, TX What people said about Jean: Jean is a skilled physical therapist with more than 25 years of experience in home health, inpatient and outpatient settings, and she has a broad range of knowledge in orthopedic, neurological and musculoskeletal injuries as well as experience working with a wide variety of patient diagnoses. |
Nico RazaloPT, DPTChicago, IL What people said about Nico: Nico has worked as a licensed physical therapist in Illinois, New York and Indiana for more than three years, gaining significant experience working with home healthcare geriatric and pediatric patients. He graduated in the Philippines with bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy, worked in a hospital clinic and in the home health setting. After a year, he moved to the United States to work and to further his education. He completed his Doctor in Physical Therapy degree from Dominican College of Blauvelt, New York. He also worked for various schools in the city of New York catering to the needs of children with disabilities. |